Ko koutou kua whiua kinohia e te hau āwhā kei te kūrae o whakaaro i tēnei wā. We are thinking of everyone who has been affected by Cyclone Gabrielle, and have gathered together some links for fundraising & volunteering efforts.
We've also decided to donate $5 for every kēmu Kaupapa sold in February to cyclone relief, via Ngāti Kahungunu & Te Rūnanganui o Ngāti Porou. You support the fundraiser here, and check out these options below.
For those with time to donate, a number of volunteering services around the country are up and running and looking for more help. Here are links to some local organisations:
Rūnanga and Iwi
Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated welcomes any koha to help support our communities in the wake of the cyclone devastation. Funds will be distributed to affected communities across the tribal rohe.
Direct deposit: 02-0644-0117140-00. Reference: KOHA.
The SWIFT BIC code for Bank of New Zealand is: BKNZNZ22. This should be used whenever funds are sent from overseas to BNZ bank accounts.
Nā te ngākau aroha nui
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Porou
Kia ora tātau te whānau,
We have heard from a number of our people who would like to provide a whakaaro to support our whānau at home (Te Tairawhiti) with the devastation of Cyclone Gabrielle. The account details are below. We will ensure that your whakaaro is turned into kai and essential items and delivered through our Whānau Oranga people who are on the ground:
Video link
Acc Name: Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou
Acc Number: 01-0641-0232397-00
Ref: Cyclone Gabrielle or CG - “Your Name
Kurahikakawa Marae - Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Pāhauwera
Whānau, here are the direct details to Tangoio Marae just outside Napier. Their whare tīpuna Punanga Te Wao was devastatingly affected by flooding. If you would like to donate directly to their marae, here are the details.
Tangoio Marae
Kaupapa Māori
Hokianga relief fund
A relief fund for Hokianga and surrounding areas has been set up.
Māhia, Nūhaka, Wairoa - Wellington Relief
A relief drive has been set up by our whanaunga at Te Puni Kōkiri in Te Whanganui a Tara, Wellington. If you can spare clothes, non-perishable kai, baby products, sanitary items, toiletries, kids toys or books and animal kai that would be appreciated.
Details below.
500 Te Karaka residents self-evacuated from their homes, gathering what they could and climbing the surrounding hills of Te Karaka.
They watched as their homes, work places, cars, school, Marae were flooded out.
They were stranded on the hills for 27 hours without any communication. Some risked their lives to go back to nearby houses for what food was left.
There are families left homeless after the devastation with no where to go.
Head to their Givealitle page at this link
UTAINA OMAHU, Te Mātau a Māui, Hawke’s Bay: givealittle
Cyclone Gabrielle has had a devastating impact on the Marae, Urupā, Church, Kōhanga Reo, Kura and homes in the Omahu Community. It is now time to clean up and restore the kāenga, please make a donation to this Givealittle page.
Manaaki Matakāoa – Tai Rāwhiti fundraiser
Manaaki Matakāoa is a hauora Māori service that supports whānau in Matakāoa to take control of their health destinies through a preventative, proactive and holistic oranga approach. They’ve created a page to help those in Te Tai Rāwhiti coastal communities. If you can, please donate now. They’re aiming to raise just over $220,000.

Movie fundraiser – Lighthouse, Petone
Lighthouse cinema in Petone is having a fundraiser whānau impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle.
Sources: Photo: NASA. Text: RNZ & Te Taura Whiri