Kaupapa: How to Play

English | How to Play:


Make progress around the board by describing Māori words to your teammates and having them correctly guess the words! Advance your team from the EKE (embark) tile to the TOA (champion) tile to win the game. With one minute in each turn, describe as many words within a set category as possible to your teammates. The more words you describe (and your teammates guess), the faster your team advances across the board!  Embrace the perks and challenges posed by Māui cards along the way.

You can play competitively or cooperatively, with ways to play from beginners to fluent speakers. Gameplay variations are at the end of the instructions.


Setup: Place the coin, timer and box of Word cards beside the board within easy reach. Shuffle the Māui cards and place them in a pile, face down. Place the tokens on the board on the tile labelled EKE (embark) and share around the Reference cards which describe each word category.   


  • Form your teams, choose a token and decide who is going first. 
  • If there are 10 or fewer players, form 2 teams. For games with more than 10 players, divide into 3 teams. For cooperative play, form one team. 

  • Identify the category you’re playing in. 
  • The icon on the board your team’s token is on indicates the category of the round. Start the game on the first tile, MAHI (action) words.

  • Choose a Describer and call on Māui. 
  • When it’s your team’s turn, choose one member of your team to be the Describer. Each team member should take a turn in this role. 

    Flip a coin to call on Maui:

    Heads: nothing happens.
    Tails: draw a Māui card.  

    Each Māui card contains a new rule that applies to the Describer for a single round. Just like Māui, famously a hero and a trickster, some of these cards pose a perk and others a challenge.

    • Start the Timer and begin guessing.  

    An opposing team member starts the 1-minute timer. Your Describer draws a Word card and describes the word next to the correct category to their team to guess. Each correct guess helps your team advance around the board to the TOA. 

    If the team correctly guesses the word, the Describer puts the card to one side and draws another, describing the next word in the SAME category. Repeat until the timer runs out.

    If the Describer breaks a rule, discard the card to the back of the Word deck and draw another one.

    Advance around the board. 

    At the end of 1 minute, count the number of correctly guessed cards. Advance your team token that number of spaces, then return the Word cards to the back of the deck and discard any Māui cards that were in effect to the bottom of the Māui deck. 


    Take your turn. 

    The next Team takes its turn, choosing a new Describer on their team. Continue this until one team reaches the TOA (champion) tile at the end of the board. They are the champions! 

    Suggested rules for Describers: 

    The Describer may: 

    • Describe and give clues about the meaning of the word
    • Use the word in a sentence, leaving out the word
    • Act out clues
    • Skip one card each turn

    The Describer may not:

    • Say any derivative of the word. 

    If the word is ‘wharekai’ you may not say ‘whare’ or ‘kai’. 

    • Say what letter the word starts with
    • Say what the word rhymes with
    • Mouth the word
    • Break the rules of the Māui cards if in effect

    Breaking a Māui card rule: If it’s discovered the Describer broke a rule of an Māui card in play, you have two options:

    • advance the number of correctly guessed words and carry the the Māui card rule over to your next turn, or

    • forfeit any advances from that turn and be free of the rule.


    Variations and additional guidance:

    English Language:


    If you’re not ready to play fully in te reo Māori, play KAUPAPA to grow your reo. 

    On the right hand side of the cards you will find English translations of the Māori words.



    • The Describer may use the Māori word in an English sentence, eg. “It’s getting cold, I’m going to put on my koti”. As soon as their team guesses “coat”, they are correct.
    • The Describer may also say the Māori word first, then mime or explain its meaning in order to get their team to guess the translation as written on the card. eg. rakiraki: an animal that goes quack!”



    • The describer explains the word bilingually or in English (without saying the English translation) to get their team to guess the Māori word on the card, eg. “an accessory that you wear on your head.” The team can guess, “pōtae!


    A note on INGOA: This category includes deities, famous people, bands and fictional characters from Aotearoa. There are two ways to play. Option 2 is an inclusive option if playing with a range of ages or knowledge. 

    • Option 1: The Describer says clues to get their team to guess the name on the card, eg. “The first woman, shaped with earth at Kurawaka.” As soon as their team guesses “Hine-ahu-one” they are correct.
    • Option 2: The Describer says the person’s name and  says clues to have their team guess what they are known for (as written on the right hand side of the card or equivalent) eg. “Mahuika: She gave her fingernails to Māui.” As soon as their team guesses “Guardian of Fire” they are correct. 


    A note on WĀHI: 

    There are two types of wāhi: 

    • Kinds of places (eg. kāuta = kitchen) 
    • Place names (eg. Waitangi).

    For wāhi with a translation, the describer uses the same technique as above, eg. “I’m going to the kāuta to cook us a feed”.

    For Māori place names without a translation, the describer gives clues in order to get their team to guess the place name on the card, eg. “The place in the far north where the Tiriti was first signed.”

    Cooperative Play (2+ players): 

    All players are on one team. Choose a different Describer each time the timer runs out. Everyone wins when the team reaches TOA! 

    For a little more pressure, start a stopwatch before the first round begins and race to TOA against the clock. Play again to beat your best time!

    NB: If you draw a Māui card that is not applicable to cooperative play, discard it and draw another. 

    Learning Enhancement:


    • For a gentle start or warmup round, the Describer can choose any word on each card.
    • Note down any words you skip or that are new to you. Take time between rounds or after the game to review and test each other on these new words.
    • Take note of anything new you learn about the places, people, or words. 
    • Challenge yourself to use your words alone (without using your hands at all). Notice where you get stuck and use that to guide your learning.
    • For teams who move quickly, challenge yourself to start at TOA, get to EKE and back to TOA. 
    • If things get heated, remember: Ko te tino toa ko te reo Māori: The real winner is te reo Māori!



    Te Reo Māori | Me pēhea te tākaro:

    Ngā whāinga:

    Mā te whakaahua i ētahi kupu Māori ki ō hoamahi e koke ai tō rōpū i te papa kēmu ina tika tā rātou matapae i aua kupu! Me koke tō rōpū i te papariki o EKE ki te papariki o TOA e toa ai koutou. I roto i te kotahi meneti, whakaahuatia ngā kupu katoa ka taea i tētahi kaupapa kotahi ki ō hoamahi. Kia nui ake ngā kupu e whakaahuatia ana e koe (e matapaetia ana hoki e ō hoamahi), ka tere ake te koke a tō rōpū i te papa kēmu! Hāpaitia ake ngā pai me ngā wero kei roto i ngā kāri Māui i a koe e tākaro ana. 


    Ka āhei te tākaro whakataetae, te tākaro ngātahi rānei, arā ētahi tikanga tākaro mā te hunga tauhou me te hunga matatau ki te reo. Kei te whārangi 8 o ēnei ture ngā tikanga tākaro rerekē.


    Te whakarite: Hoatu te kapa, te tohuwā me te pouaka o ngā kāri Kupu ki te taha o te papa kēmu. Katikatihia ngā kāri Māui, ka whakaputu ai kia tāpapa. Hoatu ngā waka ki te papariki o EKE i runga te papa kēmu, ka tohatoha ai i ngā kāri Tūtohu e whakaahua ana i ngā kaupapa ā-kupu.

    Te tākaro:

  • Whakaritea ngā rōpū, kōwhiria tētahi waka, whakatauria hoki mā wai e tīmata.
  • Ki te 10, iti iho rānei ngā kaitākaro, kia 2 ngā rōpū. I ngā kēmu ka nui ake i te 10 ngā kaitākaro, kia 3 ngā rōpū. I ngā kēmu tākaro ngātahi, kia kotahi te rōpū.

  • Tautohua te kaupapa hei tākaro māu.
  • Mā te tohu kei te papa kēmu, kei reira rā te waka o tō rōpū e tautuhi te kaupapa o te huringa. Tīmata i te papariki tuatahi, i ngā kupu MAHI.

  • Kōwhiria tētahi Kaikōrero, ā, karangahia hoki a Māui.

    Kia tae anō ki tō rōpū, kōwhiria tētahi o tō rōpū hei Kaikōrero. Ka whai wāhi atu ia tangata o te rōpū ki tēnei mahi.

    Whiua tētahi kapa hei karanga i a Māui:

    Upoko: waiho atu.
    Whiore: tīkina tētahi kāri Māui.

    Kei ia kāri Māui tētahi ture hou e hāngai ana ki te Kaikōrero mō tētahi huringa kotahi. Pērā tonu i te tuahangata kātuarehe, i a Māui, he painga kei ētahi o ēnei kāri, ā, he wero kei ētahi atu. 


  • Hurihia te Tohuwā, ā, kia kaha te matapae.
  • Mā tētahi o te rōpū hoariri e tahuri te Tohuwā kotahi meneti nei te roa. Mā tō Kaikōrero e tiki tētahi kāri Kupu, ka whakaahua mai ai ia i te kupu kei te taha o te kaupapa tika ki tōna rōpū hei matapae mā rātou. Mā ia matapae tika e koke ai tō rōpū i te papa kēmu ki TOA.


    Ina tika te matapae a te rōpū i te kupu, ka whakatakoto te Kaikōrero i te kāri ki tahaki, ka tiki ai i tētahi atu, kātahi ka whakaahua i te kupu hou kei taua kaupapa tonu rā. Toaitia kia pau rā anō te wā.


    Ina takahi te Kaikōrero i tētahi ture, ākiritia atu te kāri ki muri rawa o te putunga kāri Kupu, ka tiki ai i tētahi atu.


  • Koke haere i te papa kēmu.
  • Kia pau te 1 meneti, tatauria te nui o ngā kāri i tika te matapaetia. Kia rite ki tērā te koke a te waka o tō rōpū i ngā papariki. Whakahokia ngā kupu Kāri ki muri rawa o te putunga, ā, ākiritia atu ngā kāri Māui i te whaimana tonu ki muri o te putunga kāri Māui.

  • Kei a koe te wā.
  • Kei tērā atu rōpū te wā, mā rātou e kōwhiri tētahi Kaikōrero hou i tō rātou rōpū. Kia pēnei tonu te haere kia tae rā anō tētahi rōpū ki te papariki o TOA kei te pito o te papa kēmu. Ko rātou ngā toa!


    He ture anō hei whai pea mā ngā Kaikōrero:

    Ka āhei te Kaikōrero ki te:

    • Whakaahua, ki te tuku rānei i ētahi tīwhiri mō te tikanga o te kupu
    • Whakamahi i te kupu i tētahi rerenga kōrero, engari kāore e whakahua mai i te kupu
    • Whakaari i ētahi tīwhiri
    • Waiho i tētahi kāri i ia huringa


    Kāore te Kaikōrero e āhei ki te:

    • Kōrero i tētahi wāhanga o te kupu. Me ko te ‘wharekai’ te kupu, kāore koe e āhei ki te whakahua i te ‘whare’, i te ‘kai’ rānei. 
    • Whakahua i te pū tuatahi o te kupu
    • Whakahua i ētahi kupu e huarite ana   
    • Whakahua ngū i te kupu
    • Takahi i ngā ture o ngā kāri Māui e whaimana ana


    Ina takahia tētahi o ngā ture o tētahi kāri Māui: E rua ngā kōwhiringa ina kitea kua takahia e te Kaikōrero tētahi o ngā ture o ngā kāri Māui e whaimana ana:


    • kia rite te koke ki te nui o ngā kupu i tika te matapaetia, ā, whakamahia anō te ture o te kāri Māui i te huringa ka whai mai, tēnā ko tēnei
    • whakarērea ngā kokenga o taua huringa kia wātea ai koe i te ture.

    Ētahi atu tikanga tākaro me ētahi atu kupu āwhina:


    Mehemea kāore anō koe kia rite ki te tākaro ki te reo Māori anahe, tākarohia a KAUPAPA hei whakatupu i tō reo. Kei te taha matau o ngā kāri ngā whakapākehātanga o ngā kupu Māori.



    • Ka whakamahi pea te Kaikōrero i te kupu Māori i tētahi rerenga kōrero Pākehā, hei tauira, “It’s getting cold, I’m going to put on my koti”. Kia matapae tōna rōpū i te kupu “coat”, kua tika rātou.
    • Ka āhei hoki te Kaikōrero ki te whakahua i te kupu Māori i te tuatahi, kātahi ia ka whakaari, ka āta whakamārama rānei i te tikanga o te kupu e matapae ai tōna rōpū i te whakapākehātanga e ai ki ngā tuhinga kei te kāri, hei tauira, rakiraki: he manu ka kēkē!” 



    • Ka reorua, ka reo Ingarihi rānei te whakamārama a te Kaikōrero i te kupu (engari kāore e kōrerohia te whakapākehātanga) e matapae ai tōna rōpū i te kupu Māori kei te kāri, hei tauira, “he whakarākai ka mau i tō upoko.” Ka rere te matapae a te rōpū, “pōtae!”


    He kōrero mō ngā INGOA: He atua, he tāngata rongonui, he pēne, he kiripuaki pakimaero hoki nō Aotearoa kei tēnei kaupapa. E rua ngā tikanga tākaro. Ko te kōwhiringa 2 te tikanga ngāwari me e tākaro ana ngā reanga pakeke rerekē, ngā reanga mōhio rerekē rānei.

    • Kōwhiringa 1: Mā te Kaikōrero e kōrero ētahi tīwhiri e matapae ai tōna rōpū i te ingoa kei te kāri, hei tauira, “Te wahine tuatahi, i āhuatia ki te papa i Kurawaka.” Kia matapae te rōpū i a “Hine-ahu-one” kua tika rātou.
    • Kōwhiringa 2: Mā te kaikōrero te ingoa o te tangata e kōrero, ā, ka āhei ia ki te tuku tīwhiri e matapae ai tōna rōpū i te take e rongonui ana ia (e ai ki ngā tuhinga kei te taha matau o te kāri, e āhua ōrite ana rānei ki ērā) hei tauira, “Mō Mahuika: Nāna i hoatu ōna maikuku ki a Māui.” Kia matapae tōna rōpū i “Te kaitiaki o te ahi” kua tika rātou.


    He kōrero mō ngā WĀHI:

    E rua ngā momo wāhi:

    • Ngā momo wāhi (hei tauira, kāuta = kitchen)
    • Ngā ingoa wāhi (hei tauira, Waitangi).

    Mō ngā wāhi he whakapākehātanga o ērā, ka whai te kaikōrero i taua tikanga tonu kei runga nei, hei tauira. “I’m going to the kāuta to cook us a feed”.

    Me he ingoa wāhi Māori te wāhi, kāore he whakapākahātanga, mā te kaikōrero e tuku tīwhiri mō te wāhi rā e matapae ai tōna rōpū i te ingoa wāhi kei te kāri, hei tauira, “Te wāhi kei te raki i waitohungia tuatahitia ai te Tiriti.”


    Tākaro Ngātahi (2+ ngā kaitākaro):

    Katoa ngā kaitākaro kei te rōpū kotahi. Kōwhirihia tētahi Kaikōrero rerekē kia pau te wā i ia huringa. Ka toa te katoa kia tae te rōpū ki TOA!

    E kaha ake ai te heke o ngā werawera, tīmataria tētahi matawā tumu i mua i te tīmatanga o te huringa tuatahi, ā, whakataetae ki te matawā i a koe e whati atu ana ki TOA. Tākaro anō kia ekea e koe te wā!

    Hei manatu māu: Ki te tīkina e koe tētahi kāri Māui kāore e tika ana mō te tākaro ngātahi, ākiritia atu ka tiki anō ai i tētahi atu.


    Te Whakapakari Akoranga:

    • Hei tīmatanga ngāwari, hei whakahihiko rānei i ngā whakaaro, e wātea ana te Kaikōrero ki te kōwhiri i ngā kupu katoa kei ia kāri.
    • Tuhia iho ngā kupu ka waiho e koe, e hou ana rānei ki a koe. Hei te mutunga o ia huringa, hei te mutunga rānei o te kēmu arotakengia ēnei kupu hou.
    • Tuhia iho ngā kōrero hou ka mau i a koe mō ngā wāhi, mō ngā tāngata, mō ngā kupu rānei.
    • Whakamātautau i a koe anō ki te kōrero noa iho i ngā kupu (kaua e whakamahia ō ringa). Mā te pēnei e kite ai koe i ngā wāhi e raru ana koe, ā, ka mōhio koe he aha hei ako tonu māu.
    • Hei whakamātautau i ngā rōpū e tere ana te haere, tīmata i TOA, haere ki EKE, ka hoki anō ai ki TOA.
    • Ki te ara ake te pakanga, kia mahara: Ko te tino toa ko te reo Māori!
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