Watch Kaupapa in Action!
This excerpt from Waka Huia highlights Jennifer Ward-Lealand’s reo journey and her belief in the power of friendship, fun, and play. A key member of the Kapa Kōrero social group, Jennifer invited the group to her whare to play Kaupapa. During its development, Kaupapa was playtested at Kapa Kōrero gatherings, where the feedback and experiences from these hui helped shape the game into what it is today.
Waka Huia:
Ko tōna ngākau nui ki Te Ao Māori, te ao whakaari me te ao kiriata te take i whakawhiwhia e Jennifer Ward-Lealand te tohu Tangata Tiketike o Aotearoa, rua mano rua tekau. Ahakoa he kanohi kitea a Ward-Lealand, ka ruku hōhonu tēnei pakipumeka ki tētahi ao kaare anō kia tino kite, tōna manawanui, ngākau nui hoki ki Te Ao Māori me te pātai, he aha te take, kua huri tōna ao i tana mahi ako i te reo Māori.
Jennifer Ward-Lealand’s dedication to Te Ao Māori, theatre, film and television saw her named 2020 Kiwibank New Zealander of the Year. Despite Ward-Lealands high profile, this Waka Huia episode covers a more personal side to her which looks at how her dedication and commitment to Te Ao Māori fundamentally changed her.
Credit to Waka Huia. Director: Semiramis Holland
Full Waka Huia episode: watch here
Kapa Kōrero: Facebook group
Kapa Tākaro: Facebook group for playing & playtesting reo Māori games