Hei ākuanei! See you soon!

E mihi ana ki a koe.

Thank you for registering your attendance for Te Reo o te Rēhia. We look forward to seeing you and to discovering the āhuatanga you bring to the wānanga. Please do come and say hi if we haven't met you yet. We really hope that your experience at Te Reo o te Rēhia will nurture your wairua and provide you with experiences & resources that will be a taonga for you. 

In the meantime, feel free to peruse our pae tukutuku (website) nei, and be sure to follow us on facebook and Instagram for exciting updates and special opportunities. 

Hei konā mai i roto i ngā mihi

Nā Kuruho & Rosie

  • Sell-out crowd attends Kaupapa game launch: Pōhutukawa Coast Times

    Sell-out crowd attends Kaupapa game launch: Pōh...

    After three years of hard work and development, Kuruho Wereta (Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Toa Rangatira, Te Ati Awa, Ngāti Kahungunu) and Rosie Remmerswaal (Pākehā) have recently launched the final product...

    Sell-out crowd attends Kaupapa game launch: Pōh...

    After three years of hard work and development, Kuruho Wereta (Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Toa Rangatira, Te Ati Awa, Ngāti Kahungunu) and Rosie Remmerswaal (Pākehā) have recently launched the final product...

  • Kaupapa: Te Reo Māori Board Game by Kura Rēhia and Maimoa Creative

    Kaupapa: Te Reo Māori Board Game by Kura Rēhia ...

    When Rosie and Kuruho from Kura Rēhia approached me to be the designer for their kēmu (game) that was still under development, there was absolutely no hesitation to accept. I am very selective...

    Kaupapa: Te Reo Māori Board Game by Kura Rēhia ...

    When Rosie and Kuruho from Kura Rēhia approached me to be the designer for their kēmu (game) that was still under development, there was absolutely no hesitation to accept. I am very selective...

  • Kaupapa featured on German TV - ARD Weltspiegel

    Kaupapa featured on German TV - ARD Weltspiegel

    This news piece for German national news ARD Weltspiegel delves into the revitalisation of te reo Māori in Aotearoa, highlighting the growing prominence of Māori traditions and language in modern...

    Kaupapa featured on German TV - ARD Weltspiegel

    This news piece for German national news ARD Weltspiegel delves into the revitalisation of te reo Māori in Aotearoa, highlighting the growing prominence of Māori traditions and language in modern...

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